Questions You Want Answered

Sunday, December 31, 2006

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  • this be bill, love the site, couldn't be arsed to sign up, if you guys ever need a drummer, gimme a call, love the lyrics, by the way, very tenacious d, but more random...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:47 p.m.  

  • Who is Nimmo???

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:18 p.m.  

  • hey its Nathalie! i'm lovin the site..........very emmmmm creative! i'm happy to see cake as a link..... cake are really gud (comfort eagle being their best album, buy it if u dnt have it while ur in newry!) yeah i cant fint the hidden page either....... i think u shud put us all out of our misery and tell us where it is! the duck looks puzzled, did u puzzle the duck?????

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:07 p.m.  

  • i found da secret page!, but i didn't want to sign in so i couldn't comment in it, i left my name, though...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:29 a.m.  

  • Any two five elevennis?

    By Blogger Deeoshaythree, at 8:52 p.m.  

  • hay liam and finn....tis be grace.....i was just wondering if there really is or isnt a secert page?????? it be confusing....see bill found it......
    why you not aloud say nimmo has no....?thats mean.yea i love the site its uber cool..see you have put alot of effert into it.... my computer is being mean and not letting me sign the guestbook :( evil computer!!!! you have a gig????what when was this???when is the next one?????

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:57 p.m.  

  • It be Lorna. How the hell are Liam and Finn so SEXY (i was gonna write crazy but Liam preffered it he other

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:12 a.m.  

  • Ok it's Lorna....again. Finn, i do believe it was you who came up with the theory that Nimmo had no ______. How is it you know this?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:13 a.m.  

  • i have a quextion i have a quextion i habe un questioneh! you know me?! cause i'm bored...^_^ yay!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:09 p.m.  

  • oh hey!..whoever u are! site u got!randomly stumbled into this site! *thumbs up* well i gave up lookin for d secret page!.coolnes! hehe..too late for dat! its like fkn past midnite..ah well..laterz dudes! or.dudettes! =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:20 a.m.  

  • Hey Liam.It's Graham. Do you want another guitarist? I'd be happy to do it

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:20 p.m.  

  • Hello Liam and Finn.

    Would you like a harpsichordist?

    Sorry Graham.


    By Blogger Deeoshaythree, at 11:45 p.m.  

  • Actually, I haven't got it *yet*, but I shall hopefully have it very very soon.

    I didn't expect you'd want me. Sniff. Oh well, I'll go back to dreaming about setting up my own little ensemble. (You evil lot stole the word "band". Grr.)

    Just to make it a question, do you like tomatoes?

    By Blogger Deeoshaythree, at 9:13 p.m.  

  • Excuse me, did you just shout at me?

    By Blogger Deeoshaythree, at 9:56 p.m.  

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