Questions You Want Answered

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Click "comments" To Leave Your Question


Saturday, September 17, 2005


We do like the tamatoes.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


No thank you, we will not have use for a skilled harpsichordist at the present time. I do hope you find a band that will appreciate your extertise. But on the other hand, deadly, you got your long awaited harpsichord!



Saturday, June 18, 2005

Nik K

Thanks but there's no question.

missy! *wee* ^_^

We may know you in a round about way and not in a direct way, or we may know you in a direct way and not in a round about way.


I looked.


We took lotsa sexy tablet, to build up our sexiness reserves.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


We have been working on a way to get our music on the site for a while without success. There is one way but it's a shitty shitty bang bang way so it might take a while but will find a way just like Nimmo.


Yes there is a secret page but it is a secret so we can't tell you where to find it. We have had a long conversation wih Nmmo and he has allowed us to say what he hasn't got. So everyone say out loud Nimmo has no penis

Monday, April 04, 2005


I don't know what you mean. You might want to cheek out the Anything You Like page. You will do goodness on that page.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Bill, that's not a question


Did we puzzled the Duck?? Very good question, actually it's a bloody brilliant Q. I being Liam took the photo in Holland(the netherlands) whilst on holiday. Just as I was sitting down on a lovely long bench, this duck wondered over to me. Just then Finn also arrived to give me sandwiches. Then we decided to see if the duck was at all intellectual. We showed the duck a maths problem.
"If a shop orders 6 crates of bananas but 2 of them were lost in transit. But the manager found 1/4 of a half of a bottle of oil 9 days later. What was the company's name and rate of stock turnover? You are required to complete a trading, profit&loss and balance sheet for next 19 months after the time of the loss of bananas."

The duck then read the Q and after completing that he looked at me, which was when I took the photo. Boy, did we confuse him!!

If you can do the Q that we asked of the duck, we will tell where the Secret Page is, ehh, there's no secret page!!